Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (2025)

Azaryn is the best paragon you can get in Stellaris. Especially if you get her event chain early in the game. That’s why I decided to make this complete Azaryn Guide for Stellaris fans.


She’s different from other paragons for three reasons. For one, she’s level 7 scientist with exceptional abilities. Secondly, she can turn three planets into Gaia worlds with her special ability. Thirdly, she will give amazing modifier bonuses to your capital planet if you answer her questions correctly.

How to Get Azaryn in Stellaris?

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (1)

Azaryn is a Legendary paragon in Stellaris and can only be hired by an event which is somewhat rare.

Every 5 year a RNG will roll with %1 chance of Azaryn event hitting a random empire. That means you’ll get Azaryn if you’re lucky, especially in large, populated galaxy setups. Though I think this chance is a little bit higher for the player empire. But keep in mind, it’s impossible to get Azaryn if you are militarist or gestalt consciousness.

All in all, even if you met all the criteria’s, getting Azaryn is up to RNG.

Azaryn Questions / Answers

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (2)

Azaryn will ask 4 questions to player. Answering them wrong or correct will have no impact on recruiting Azaryn because she will join regardless. However, correct answer will add 2 years of pheromone bonus to your capital planet. So, in the end, it’s worth giving the answer Azaryn wants.

Question number 1:
Azaryn: How do you value life?

  • Correct answer: Is this a trick question?
  • Wrong answer: That depends. Life comes in many forms.

Azaryn’s Gift:
The supposed gift we received from Azaryn is in fact a plant-based bacteria, anything we’ve ever seen. Neutralizing it will provide a dangerous challenge. However, if we are successful, it would further our understanding of science and medicine.
Research cost is 1000 society knowledge.

We have made progress with Azaryn’s organic “gift”. The growing potential for interdisciplinary scientific advancement is encouraging.
We have collected our findings, having neutralized any potential threat from microorganism, and we are ready to contact Azaryn again.

Question number 2:
Azaryn: To escape death, would you take the life of another?

  • Correct answer: Yes, we would.
  • Wrong answer: No, we would not.

Azaryn’s Rafflesia:
Azaryn has tasked us with blooming a giant flower bud, native to her dome ship’s ecosystem. Based on initial observations, this flower may be of great astrobiological significance.
Research cost is 4000 society knowledge.

Our initial attempts to provoke a reaction from the flower bud were underwhelming. It was only when we applied electrical stimuli beyond our usual safety parameters that we were able to bring the flower to bloom. We have completed Azaryn’s latest task, and are ready to contact her again. – Well done. Contact Azaryn.

Question number 3:
Azaryn: Would you sacrifice your own kind if it meant you could save lives elsewhere, on a massive scale?

  • Correct answer: We would.
  • Wrong answer: No, never.

Question number 4:
Azaryn: Would you hesitate to remove a threat?

  • Correct answer: Yes. Decisive actions require consideration.
  • Wrong answer: No. Hesitation gets you killed.

Well, I have asked you enough questions. You possess admirable patience. I will take some time to collate this information. We shall speak again soon.

Then she joins to your empire as a new scientist leader, concluding the special event. Also, you get a bonus modifier on your capital.

Azaryn Capital Bonus

If you answer all the questions of Azaryn correctly, you’ll get the following bonuses on your capital planet for a limited amount of time.

Pheromone Cocktail modifier added for 2 years:

Citizen pop happiness: +20%
Pop growth speed: +20%
Resources from jobs: +20%
Worker pop resource output: +20%
Researchers output: +20%

Astrocreator Azaryn

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (3)

Once you complete Azaryn questline and answer all of her questions, she’ll appear before you, ready to enlist!

Astrocreator Azaryn – The Legendary Paragon:
Warm greetings. I have concluded that you are an excellent advocate for astrocreation!
Azaryn smiles.
Together we shall breathe life into the void. Together, we shall inspire hope for all.
As long as you strive to create new life, my skills and my ship are at your disposal. If this pleases you, I will gladly join you.

  • What exactly is astrocreation?
    Astrocreation is an advanced variant of terraformation. It is incredibly powerful. By seeding a planet with one of my Terraformation Nuclei (Azaryn indicates the buds on her back.) we will be able to transform almost any planet into a thriving Gaia World. The process requires a great deal of enegry, but the results are nothing short of spectacular.
  • What are those things on your back?
    (Azaryn appears surprised at the question.)
    A trait unique to my species, simply put. In our youth, they grow quickly – not without discomfort, I might add – and must be pruned regularly, lest we be weighed down by them. (She smiles.) At my age, however, such troubles are a thing of the past.
    They are not quite seeds, but it would do for an analogy. I’ve come to call them Terraformation Nuclei. Within them sleeps the potential for growth, for rebirth, and for life.
  • What is that buzzing, tiny drone of yours?
    Ah, this one? Azaryn gently lifts the little flier. This is a pollination drone. They help to ensure the vigor and future of my ship’s ecosystem.
    They’re not altogether inorganic, and even possess the ability to produce pollen on their own. Azaryn points at the drone’s bottom. They can even regulate pollen-transferral by use of static magnetism from their battery terminals. Adorable isn’t it?
    Typing quickly into a command console, Azaryn adjust some instruments.
    Wonderful! I have plotted a course for your capital, and will be arriving shortly. ***
    Oh, and before I forget, my ship’s ecosystem is home to a wide variety of ectohormones. To mark this joyous occasion, please accept this gift of pheromones. They contain a potent compound which will bring certain benefits to your people. It is well deserved.

What to Do With Azaryn?

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (4)

Since Astrocreator Azaryn has Perceptive Mentor (+1 leader trait options), Spark of Genius (Research Speed +3%) and is level 7with multiple ability choices. I recommend you make her head of scientist on your council. If your head of scientist is a curator, rearrange your council and appoint your curator as a curator archivist so that you can appoint Azaryn as your head of scientist for the most optimal research production.

As for her ship, unfortunately you can’t re-assign Azaryn to a new ship or dismantle her original one. Thus, making it impossible to use jump drive or astral jump with Azaryn. It sucks but that’s the price you pay for a free level 7 giga scientist.

Her ship is called The Vivarium and can turn three planets into gaia worlds by using transfix terraformation nucleus. It is why getting her early is very powerful.

Azaryn Event ID

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (5)

Do you want to cheat? Are you a cheater? There you go then, here is the console command that spawns the Legendary Paragon Azaryn in Stellaris.

event paragon.228

To open the console, you must hit the ” or ~ button on your keyboard. Then simply copy paste the command above to Stellaris console to get her instantly without all the fuss.

But keep in mind, cheating can reduce the fun. And now we conclude the Azaryn guide, thanks for reading. Leave a nice comment below and I’ll see you soon.

Tags: astrocreator azarynazarynazaryn event idstellaris azarynstellaris best paragon

Stellaris Azaryn Guide - Everything You Need to Know (2025)


What should I focus on early Stellaris? ›

When you first boot up the game, or are attempting to start up a new colony, your best bet is to focus on maximizing food production above all else.

Is Stellaris hard for beginners? ›

It is pretty complex and alot to learn until you understand everything fully, but that's in no way necessary to play and enjoy the game. For the most part it is normal for Paradox games to learn something new with every session you start for your first couple of hundred hours but that shouldn't discourage you.

What should I be doing in Stellaris? ›

Players are recommended to create a few empires of their own to get familiar with how each major part of an empire – species traits, homeworld, origin, government, ethics, and civics – affects their gameplay.

How many things can you research in Stellaris? ›

There are three different main research areas in-game, with each area corresponding with one of the research resources. Additionally, each research area has multiple subcategories, for a total of 13 such subcategories, and every tech belongs to one of these subcategories.

What is the minimum lifespan of a leader in Stellaris? ›

lifespan of 80 years, which can be improved by certain species traits, leader traits, and technologies. After passing their guaranteed lifespan, leaders have a chance of dying every month. The probability is 0.2% per year that has passed since their guaranteed lifespan.

What is the best starting tradition in Stellaris? ›

The Unyielding Tradition has one of the best starting bonuses of any Tradition: +2 Starbase Capacity and +50% Starbase Upgrade Speed. This combination gives the player a significant jump-start for the expansion of the empire.

What happens after 2500 Stellaris? ›

2500 is considered endgame, but its not technically over until the endgame crisis around that time point is defeated. End game crisis can start as soon as 2400 by default. Totally conquering the galaxy and by eliminating all other empires ends the game for me.

How long is 1 game of Stellaris? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Stellaris is about 31½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 337 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What should you build first in Stellaris? ›

A city district as your first district is probably fairly typical. What comes next depends on a lot of factors, including what the planet is good at producing, how you intend to develop it, and what your empire needs most currently.

Are armies useful in Stellaris? ›

In order to capture enemy worlds, entire armies are needed, along with the preparation and battlefield awareness to properly use them.

What do L Gates do in Stellaris? ›

All L-Gates in the galaxy except the first one activated will open at the same time and bring an invasion force. In a tiny galaxy with only one L-Gate, the empire that activated it will endure the invasion instead. Each Gray Tempest fleet will be about 10k-100k fleet power, dependent on the difficulty.

What is the main goal of Stellaris? ›

Players take the role of a single FTL-capable civilization, referred to as an empire, with the goal of exploring and claiming systems, colonizing habitable planets, and expanding their economy to outcompete rival civilizations progressively encountered through first contact events.

What is the max population in Stellaris? ›

Planet capacity is capped at 500, regardless of free housing or unblocked districts. Pops can go over 500 and will not stop growing (or decline) until the required housing exceeds available housing by 15% (or 25%). species growth by −0.5%.

How many Colossus ships can you have Stellaris? ›

Every 800 Fleet capacity you can build one more Colossus until you have 5. Unfortunately this is a fixed limit because all large ships now have their own internal maximum fleet capacity.

What determines how many Titans you can have Stellaris? ›

Titans have a strict build limit, with a base of 1 allowed per empire; every 200 Naval Capacity increases an empire's Titan cap by 1, up to a maximum of 20 Titans at 3800 naval capacity. Offspring ships have a strict build limit too: Every 10 Naval Capacity increases Offspring Corvette cap by 1.

What to do at the start of a Stellaris game? ›

Therefore, the early game in Stellaris is one of the best times for players to try optimizing their starting resources to gain a solid advantage above other space-faring civilizations in the game. By solidifying their foothold in the early game, the player can have their gameplay progressing smoothly.

How do you get off to a good start in Stellaris? ›

So a decent start is:
  1. Make a second science ship.
  2. Survey and colonize your two guaranteed habitiable worlds.
  3. Build your fleet up to 10 corvettes.
  4. Build a third science ship. ...
  5. Build an outpost in every system within four jumps of your homeworld. ...
  6. Colonize anything with yellow or green habitability.
May 4, 2023

What is the first thing to build on a new planet Stellaris? ›

what is the 1st thing I should build on a new colony once it's established after the inital landing? Either a gene clinic or a machine assembly plant, if those are options. In other words, if you have the option to build a building that will boost the growth rate of pops on the colony, you should build that first.

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